
Showing posts from February 3, 2019
The Week Hell Froze Over By Hank Silverberg   Much of the country spent this past week in bone chilling cold. There were record low temperatures in lots of places as the Polar Vortex moved further south than usual. Things were actually frozen over in Hell (Michigan) where the thermometer dropped to minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit,  turning the small town’s   streets and brooks into sheer ice.   (The Polar Vortex courtesy of NASA)  But that is not the only thing that made the country shiver this week. Our President once again showed a total lack of knowledge on Climate Change, which has already begun to have an impact on weather systems in both the winter and summer. While we were shivering, Australians were experiencing their hottest summer with record temperatures as high as 120 degrees. There is science in all this.   Climate Change is making extreme weather patterns more likely.

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