
Showing posts from December 10, 2023
Eyes-Closed Congress                        #264 By Hank Silverberg  This week we are going to look into the future. It's a plausible scenario considering the short sighted closed eyes of the majority of those sitting in the U.S. Congress, including some Democrats.  For years they have been unable to look past the next election cycle. But we all should.  (Courtesy NASA)  The year is 2027. Islands in the south Pacific continue to be inundated by higher sea levels, and the people living on those small  islands are being forced to move elsewhere, including crowded Asian countries where they are not wanted.  There continues to be an increase in storms in both numbers and intensity around the world. Climate Change scientists are talking loudly of major shifts in population and agriculture because of the continued impact. The world's major countries have made some small efforts to reduce fossil fuel...

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