Unconventional Conventions By Hank Silverberg I liked the finale: fireworks outside instead of a big balloon drop inside, but other than that, the Democratic National Convention last week was pretty much what was expected. Virtual conventions obviously have none of the pomp and circumstance, screaming crowds and floor demonstrations that we are used to, but I don't think the speeches we saw were very much different than they would have been without the pandemic. With the exception of 13-year-old Brayden Harrington, who did a great job overcoming his stutter to talk about how Joe Biden helped him, I saw nothing that stands out. Sure, Kamala Harris and Biden did a good job stating their case and trashing Donald Trump, but that is what they were supposed to do. Their vision for America is NOT radical socialism as claimed by the GOP, but rather a return to a progressive Democracy, similar to, but definitely not the same, as the eight years of Barack Obama. That coul...
Showing posts from August 23, 2020