
Showing posts from July 14, 2024
Damaging Speculation                                   #292 By Hank Silverberg Commentary Political violence is rare in the United States, but not unheard of.  In our history three presidents have been assassinated, (Lincoln-1865, McKinley-1901, John Kennedy-1963), and attempts have been made on the lives of three others (Jackson-1835, Ford-1975 and Reagan-1981). Two people running for president have been shot before. Robert Kennedy was killed (1968), George Wallace was shot and paralyzed for life (1972). Only one of those, Lincoln, involved a conspiracy. The rest were lone gunmen with some warped concepts that sometimes weren't even political.  But we have seen a great deal of speculation and punditry on just what happened in Pennsylvania on Saturday.  The responsible media that I watched (CBS, NBC, CNN) were careful not to rush to judgement on the who and why, instead sticking to the facts as they came in. Others, however, (see dumb quote) jumped to conclusions that the attempt o

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