Truth Dies In War by Hank Silverberg Call it the fog of war. But it's clear from history that the first casualty of any war is truth. Saddam Hussein never did have weapons of mass destruction, but the U.S. government used that theme as a major reason for taking down Hussein in the first Gulf War in 1991. Most of the media fed on that narrative until our troops actually got into Iraq and couldn't find any WMD's. (USS Turner Joy is now a museum in Seattle Courtesy of In August 1964, an alleged attack of the USS Turner Joy off the coast of Vietnam, supposedly the second attack on the U.S. Navy. That prompted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in Congress and the first of many deployments of U.S. troops to South Vietnam. The resulting10 year war killed more than 58,000 Americans and over 1.4 million Vietnamese, both military and civilians, and thousands of others in neighboring countries. We know now that attack never took place....
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