The Point of No Return? By Hank Silverberg Commentary & Analysis Is the United States of America broken beyond the point of no return? At no time since 1861 has our politics been so polarized that the future of our political system is in doubt. We have no real leadership. Our current President is the closest thing to a dictator the U.S.A. has ever experienced. He defies the courts and defies Congress on a routine basis. Don’t say I’m exaggerating and go back to watching cat videos. Donald Trump’s words and actions have shown either a total ignorance for what our Founding Fathers had in mind, or an intentional effort to destroy American democracy. I’m not sure which it is yet, but no one seems capable or willing to stop him. Let’s start with words as an example. “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of...
Showing posts from December 1, 2019