The Trump Cult of Personality By Hank Silverberg (updated) I watched President Trump's very lengthy Republican National Convention acceptance speech with some interest last week. There were a few reasons. As someone who teaches Public Speaking at the college level I wanted to see if he would break with his mono-toned delivery that usually occurs when he reads off of a teleprompter (a very bad style), or whether he would unleash his free-flowing, insult filled, attacking campaign stomp speech (filled with factual errors and poor word choices). It was a combination of both, and the second longest "acceptance speech" in U.S. history. The speech was laced with inaccuracies and outright lies, but any good political observer would know that was nothing new. The Washington Post found 25 major fallacies in the speech. But since Trumpites always say that very respected newspaper is biased, I looked for a bi-partisan source...
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