The Myth of Donald J. Trump By Hank Silverberg I admit it, I am stumped. I just can't fathom how anyone can support Donald J. Trump for re-election. I have asked people why. Some say I should "look at all the things he has accomplished in the last four years." That completely flabbergasts me. But, since I really want to understand, let's take a look at what he has done over the last four years--just some of the low lights. 1) He signed a tax cut that Republican lawmakers ramrodded through Congress when they controlled both chambers. That pushed the federal deficit over a trillion dollars in pre-pandemic 2019, more than double what it was in 2015. It's a deficit my great-grandchildren will be paying off, if they can. And just this past week or so he proposed doing away with the Payroll Tax. That's the famous FI...
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