
Showing posts from April 26, 2020
A Haircut vs. Covid-19 By Hank Silverberg I have lost count of how many days it’s been since Virginians were ordered to “stay home.” I have had a few excursions to the supermarket wearing a mask where many people, after standing outside on a line for a while, had a "get me out of here" look in their eyes. I’ve gone to local restaurants a few times to pick up take-out food at curbside where I was startled that the people who brought out the food were not wearing gloves or masks. But other than that, like millions of Americans, I'm staying home. My Zoom lectures to my college students have become easier to manipulate technically, but it has been harder for us all to engage in the meaningful dialogue that enhances education. Like a lot of people I don't miss my commute, but Zoom fatigue has hit the country in many places.  So now we have a small minority of people going out and staging protests, demanding   that things be re-opened. It seems they all need a h...

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