The Stakes Just Got Higher! By Hank Silverberg My wife and I will be voting this week. Here in Virginia early in-person voting began last Friday. So far there have been reports of long lines. In Fairfax County, Virginia, there were reports of dozens of Trump supporters showing up not to vote, but to chant and wave flags and intimidate the people who are there to vote. That's not a problem for me. If I run into one of those "Trump Trains" at my polling place, I will simply smile at them and wave and then go in and vote blue. For the record it is illegal to stand outside a polling place and intimidate voters. And there are other restrictions on how close you can get to the polls to promote a candidate. So far there have been no reports of actual physical contact between opposing sides, though I suppose it will happen somewhere in the country over the next few months because the country is definitely polarized. If you are worried abou...
Showing posts from September 20, 2020