
Showing posts from August 4, 2024
  Commentary vs News                        #295 By Hank Silverberg  Over the past few weeks I have noticed a drop off in the number of people reading this blog. I'm not sure why. Perhaps since I am now reporting again for a local newspaper (Fredericksburg Advance) and have put my "objective" hat back on in everything I write, this blog has lost some of its bite. But in the three years I have been writing "Time to Think," anything I opined on was always based in fact, even if my often sarcastic opinion creeped in. The last few weeks I have correctly labeled my opening story "Commentary" to distinguish it from "News," and maybe that has softened the points I was trying to make. I would like to hear more from some of my loyal readers about what's on your minds and what you think. There is a place on the blog's main page to send me email or to comment.  It doesn't have to be on politics.  You comments and ideas  may liven up this blo

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