
Showing posts from July 24, 2022
Terror From Within  By Hank Silverberg What is the biggest threat to our country today?  There are rogue countries like Iran and North Korea trying to get nuclear weapons.  Russia is trying to expand its influence and world power by invading Ukraine and taking control of a major supplier of food for the developing world, while China is trying to use that conflict for its own expanded global influence.   ISIS and Al Queda, though weakened substantially, are still out there and still hate the concept of the United States of America.  Yes, these are all of great concern, and we must keep up our efforts to protect against them.  But the biggest threat to our way of life may be coming from within.  Now, before you read any more be advised I am not a conspiracy theorist, nor do I see the boogie man under everyone's bed. These are real threats that America has faced before which resurface from time to time, but this time it may be a bit worse.  An a...

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