
Showing posts from September 8, 2024
The Debate                                                                                                                #300 By Hank Silverberg                                      Commentary   The debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, coming up Tuesday night, could make or break the presidential race for either one of them. Or it can have no real impact at all.  Polls,   which are taken almost every day this close to an election, show an extremely tight race, particularly in the seven swing states that will lead to the presidency. So one major mispeak or major flub by either of the candidates could move enough votes to make the difference.  The last debate ended Joe Biden's chances for another term, mainly because it pointed out his age and his ineffective communication abilities, which sadly seem to have slowed down substantially in the last four years.   So, in MY OPINION, and that's all it is, the opinion of a reporter who has covered many election campaigns, the

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