Virginia Transition--Elections Matter #205 By Hank Silverberg Virginia will swear in Glen Youngkin as the state's 74th governor next Saturday. It will be a traditional ceremony on Capital Square in Richmond. But it could also push the state back a decade in public policy, so the entire country will be watching. Youngkin is a 55-year-old businessman and millionaire who has no political experience. He has already announced two decisions that will negate some progress the state has made in the last ten years. Youngkin, who has an MBA from Harvard, tried hard during the campaign to distance himself from Donald Trump. Unlike Trump, Youngkin is an affable and a generally likeable guy. But it's clear to many people who were paying attention during his campaign that he was not far off on policy from Trump. It's already clear some of his decisions will echo Trumpism. (Virginia Capitol Building) There has been little organiz...
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