
Showing posts from April 28, 2024
Exhaustion                                                                                            #283                                        By Hank Silverberg Each week as Friday approaches, I start thinking "what am I going to write about in my blog on Sunday?" I have usually put aside some interesting news stories like the two below that I don't think most people have heard about, so I can include them here. But the main theme for the lead-in  just escapes me  sometimes . I won't call it writer's block, because it's not. Maybe I should just call it "Exhaustion." I'm tired of writing about Donald Trump and all his nonsense, especially when we are going to hear more about it everyday for the next six months, and maybe beyond besides his current trial is just more sleaze, and I am really sick of that.  I could write you about the injury jinx that has hit my favorite team, the Red Sox, but if you are not a baseball fan, you don't care. 

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