
Showing posts from July 7, 2024
A Nation Divided                                                                                #291            By Hank Silverberg                                                                                                                                                                Commentary   Much has been made over the past year or so about the growing division in the United States.    Yes, we are in the middle of a bitter presidential race with two candidates who both have substantial flaws.  One is a perpetual liar with substantial morality issues and irrational explosions, and the other is at the twilight of his career where his age may be impeding his ability to govern.  But the division may go beyond that. It's not a classic battle between the have's and the have-nots.  Nor is it specifically a difference based on region. It is not a battle between right and wrong. At times people on both sides seem irrational.  What we really have in 2024 is a dispute over what

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