
Showing posts from June 9, 2019
The Hidden Threat By Hank Silverberg Much of the focus of environmentalists over the last few years has been on climate change. We’ve seen the science and have been alerted to the danger, though the government, specifically the current administration, has had no response. But there is another environmental problem that is just as bad. Call it the fifth element in our war to save the planet. It lurks in our kitchen, our cars, our workplace and in the food we eat. The invasion began slowly and quietly in the 1950’s and infiltrated all aspects of our lives.  Dustin Hoffman got an early tip in "The Graduate": Plastics are as much a threat to us as carbon dioxide, coal ash or the internal combustion engine. It does not go away. Once it’s produced, a piece of plastic will take about 450 years to disintegrate. That straw you used at the fast food joint last week will still be around for your great-great-great-gre...

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