
Showing posts from August 14, 2022
The Condition of Journalism      #235 By Hank Silverberg  When I started writing this blog almost five years ago, I had been away from day-to-day reporting for a bout 18 months. It was very hard for me to break my 40-year-old practice of reporting the news in an objective, non-partisan way. I resisted criticizing politicians or other reporters for quite a while or getting partisan. But as the months went by and the Trump administration told lie after lie without being challenged by the media, I broke my 40-year-old pledge of non-partisanship. By then conservative media like Fox News and Newsmax had routinely jumped the fence (or knocked it over) and were operating almost like propaganda machines for conservative causes and candidates.  So yes, I had to counter that in my own mind and with my growing readership.  But now there's a new twist that may make me go back to my roots and report human events the way I was trained to and the way I practiced for all ...

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