
Showing posts from March 22, 2020
(Note to readers. A draft version of this week's blog was mistakenly sent out on Saturday. My apologies for the error.)  Staying Home by Hank Silverberg Are you staying home?  I've been holed up for over two weeks now. I have been teaching my communications students on-line, but except  for a few quick runs to the grocery store, it's been my house or my backyard.  (My temporary classroom for on-line teaching)  Like many people, Social Media has helped a lot.  I have spent some time with family and friends on the phone from other parts of the country whom I haven't talked to in a while and I have caught up with many others on Facebook and elsewhere on line, but I really miss the in- person contact. I have always taught my students that face-to -face contact is the best way to communicate. That's almost impossible now.  Many of you have probably had similar experiences, so you may relate.  I had a follow-up visit to my doctor, (I'm not ...
Covid-19, Bucky Dent and Steve Martin By Hank Silverberg You’ve heard a great deal about COVID-19 over the last few weeks and I hope you are taking the guidance from the medical professionals seriously. The most visual one is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert from the National Institutes of Health. I interviewed Dr. Fauci many times over my years as a reporter on various types of infections, from the flu to E-bola. He knows what he is talking about, and you should take what he says as science and the truth,   not speculation or politics. He has been at NIH since the Reagan administration more than 30 years ago. He doesn’t play politics.     He also has contradicted some pretty dumb things Donald Trump has said about COVID-19. At one of Trump’s news conference last week, while Trump was talking, Dr. Fauci’s uncomfortable body language included a face plant.  Mr. Trump proved once again he is not a very good leader. The best example...

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