The Messenger
by Hank Silverberg
"Kill the messenger!"
The origin of that concept is in dispute. Greek historian Sophocles referred to it in 446 B.C.E., and so did Shakespeare in Henry IV in 1598. But the idea that the bearer of bad news should take the blame for that news has never been right.
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(Shakespeare) |
The messenger is just that, a messenger. He didn't create the bad event he is heralding, nor in most instances could he or she have changed it.
The trouble is, leaders, especially those with big egos or self-centered ideology, never quite understand that. In ancient times, a messenger who brought a King bad news was often beheaded.
Today we have Donald J. Trump who acts like a King sometimes even though he does NOT have the power of one. His cry of "fake news" is centered on the concept that he can do no wrong and therefore the messenger is to be blamed for a bad message. He has called journalists, today's messengers, "Enemies of the People" more than once. It's a phase he borrowed from Communist butcher Joseph Stalin, though I suspect those protesters who repeat it have no idea of the origin of that falsehood.
Please don't misread this. Every president from time to time has complained about bad news coverage. In fact, so have most mayors, congressmen or anyone with power, including corporate executives. But in most cases, their response is to issue some statement to correct what they call an "error" or a "mistake" by a reporter and then move on. That's the way it's supposed to work and it's one reason our Founding Fathers put the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights, making journalism one of the few professions protected by the Constitution.
What's different now is the constant bombardment by the President on just about ANYTHING written or broadcast about him that he thinks is negative. That happens even when he contradicts himself, as he does often.
And that disease has spread faster than Covid-19. Take a look at the video below taken by reporter Kevin Vesey of News12, Long Island as he was covering a protest by those trying to end the "stay at home" directive in New York. They were attacking him and the news in general instead of just trying to spread their message.
(A bias or conspiratorial press, they fantasize about, would just ignore them)
The level of anger directed at the media from these protestors was alarming. As always, I will tell a fair and unbiased story today.
Covering protests has never been routine. During the Bush Inauguration protests which I covered for WTOP way back in 2001 after the disputed election, I was hit in the stomach by a police baton as a crowd surged as angry protestors pushed me towards the police line. During the protest in Baltimore after Freddie Gray's death in 2015, which I was covering for WUSA9, my camera woman was knocked to the ground, injuring her and destroying a very expensive camera. But the hostility now is worse than ever. Why?
Trump retweeted the above video the same night with these words in capitals echoing the protestors:
The group which sponsored the event later apologized to Vesey but not until the video had gone viral with the President endorsing the harassment.
I might add that Vesey's actual on-air report on the protest which you can see in his story in the link below was well balanced. He told the story fairly.
So you are thinking, what's the danger in all this? Folks are just venting their anger and reporters are easy targets?
Part of the subject matter of the "Introduction to Communications" course I teach deals with Misinformation and Disinformation.
Misinformation is rumor, false information spread by people who don't know the truth or only know part of it. They usually don't have facts, just opinion based on what they heard from friends or read on an internet filled with junk. I suspect many of the people protesting the "stay at home" orders fit into this category.
Disinformation is an intentional lie spread to mislead or persuade people, usually with a political or commercial agenda. The President and his cronies are masters at it. There are many people who have fallen for this and they don't know it.
Beaches were crowded in many regions this past weekend with Memorial Day, the official start of summer, still coming up. Social Distancing orders are still in effect in many places but with many people not heeding the warnings from the media, quoting the experts a new outbreak of the Coronavirus is probable.
There has been much talk about a possible vaccine for Covid-19 by the end of 2020, though scientists are skeptical it can be created that fast. A vaccine may be the only way to eventually get rid of this nemesis forever.
What if they keep hearing misinformation that it doesn't work, or that it can it gives them the virus or that the government is taking away their freedom. Nonsense, you say?
There is precedent. Remember those people who would not let their children get the measles vaccine because of disinformation connecting it with autism? Measles was almost eradicated until the anti-vaxxers started spreading their false ideology over the last few years.
The risk is that we will never get rid of Covid-19, a much deadlier virus than the measles, and Coronavirus will make a dramatic comeback much worse than last year's measles outbreak.
Journalism 101
Who? What? When? Where?
Why? How? How much? Finally, on this issue.The press must take part of the responsibility for the loss of integrity. Too many journalists have forgotten their role in our Democracy is as a watchdog, instead of an advocate. We not only have to be "fair and balanced," but also informed with facts and a stickler for accuracy.
Αs long as Fox News and OAN serve as a shill for this President and the GOP, or MSNBC and CNN try to counter that from the left with their own twist, then all hope is lost that the public will ever trust journalists again.
There is a place for advocacy journalism, but it should be the exception, not the rule, and it should serve no master but the truth.
The messenger deserves thanks for getting the accurate word out to those who need the information. But he should not forget his or her function or risk losing their heads.
And then there is this:
The Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology
Project says 2020's hurricane season, which officially starts June 1st, will have at least 16 named storms, eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes. That is above the 30 year average.
The first named storm, Arthur, is already churning in the Atlantic Ocean off the east coast. You can track the storm here: and get safety tips here:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has not performed
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(Hurricane Dorian in 2019, NWS ) |
So if you are in the path of any of these storms, it's best to prepare yourself. It is particularly troubling when most of us are supposed to be staying at or near home because of the virus outbreak. Many people are starting to wonder what will happen if one of those Hurricanes hits a densely populated areas where health and safety workers and first responders are already exhausted from fighting Covid-19. Hurricane Dorian was a Category 5 last year. It killed 77 people with another 245 still missing, mostly in the Bahamas and Puerto Rico.
As I have been over the last few weeks I will end my blog with some entertainment. This time something serene. This link will get you to webcams at the National Zoo in Washington as well as other zoos around the country. Sometimes it take a while before you see the animals but it's fun to watch. Enjoy.
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