by Hank Silverberg
This question has crossed my mind a lot over the past few months. Are Republicans actually scared of the average voter?
Georgia Republicans apparently are. They have passed changes in voting rules that, without any doubt, are designed to keep people from casting a ballot.
Much has been written about this in the past week. It's like Jim Crow has been resurrected from hell.
One of the changes, making it illegal to distribute food or water to people waiting on line to vote, seems a bit ridiculous. That happened at some sites in 2020 where turnout was high and some people waited hours to vote. The warped theory behind this is that people will simply give up and go home if they get thirsty or hungry on line, and there's no one there to give them comfort.
While this provision has attracted all the media attention, the other changes will be worse.
For example, the Georgia state legislature, currently dominated by Republicans, now has more control over county board of elections which certify the votes. That enables the General Assembly to overturn any local county certification. More voter I-D requirements were added for absentee ballots, making them harder to get, and the bill also limits access to drop boxes that are used in many minority and rural areas where people can't get to the polls. Also banned were mobile voting buses that often travel to remote areas or the inner city where getting to the polls is a transportation issue. It's clear the new changes are aimed at minority communities that came out big in the last election and helped Joe Biden win the state in the general election. A month later the same kind of turnout helped two Democrats win the runoff race for U.S. Senate.
Georgia Republicans claim it's all aimed at voter fraud, even though there was absolutely NO EVIDENCE of voter fraud in the the 2020 election.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time
Georgia is not alone in this. Republican legislators in 43 states are working on changes in election law that will make it harder to vote, though it should be noted bills have also been introduced by Democrats in 43 states to expand voting rights. If you take a close look you will see Republicans across the country are trying to make it harder for you to vote, Democrats are trying to make it easier. You can check them all out here: State Voting Bills Tracker 2021 | Brennan Center for Justice
As I wrote last week, please don't be fooled by the propaganda being promoted by some right-wingers. One basic rule is not changing ANYWHERE. You still have to be a U.S. citizen to cast a ballot.
That's not all:
Also of interest is the Governor's race in Virginia.
There are now seven Republicans and five Democrats seeking their party's nomination for Governor in a state where the Governor is limited to just one term.
The Democrats will face off in a primary set for June 8th, while the Republicans have chosen a statewide convention to be held in several socially distanced locations on May 8th. Republicans in good standing will be allowed to express their preference at 37 locations across the state.
Virginia gubernatorial election, 2021 (May 8 Republican convention) - Ballotpedia
Why no GOP primary for regular voters? It seems
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Virginia State Capitol |
Virginia is now a blue state. Chase's nomination would pretty much assure a Democratic victory in November no matter who that party chooses.
Virginia's General Assembly, now controlled by Democrats, has just passed a series of changes making it easier to vote in the state. Once again, Republicans are AFRAID of the voters.
Death Penalty:
While writing about the Old Dominion where I live, it should be noted that Governor Northam put his signature on a bill this past week abolishing the death penalty. Virginia, which has executed more people over it's history than any other state (1,400 since Colonial times), is the first southern state and the 23rd overall to abolish capital punishment. There are two men on death row who will now serve life in prison. The last execution in Virginia was in 2017.
Virginia Outlaws Death Penalty After Executing 113 Since 1976, Second Only to Texas (
Why You Should Never Trust Fox News:
It was a glaring headline.
"VP Harris repeatedly fails to salute military on Air Force Two, breaking with precedent"
VP Harris repeatedly fails to salute military on Air Force Two, breaking with precedent | Fox News
In fact, it's so wrong and so easy to prove wrong, it's a great example of why that network has no credibility.
I never served in the military, but many people who have picked up on this fast.
Yes, Harris doesn't salute the military folks who are always at the bottom of her airplane steps as an honor guard.
She's not supposed to. Civilians don't salute.
Technically the President doesn't have to either, but since he is technically the Commander-In-Chief, Ronald Reagan started saluting in the 1980's and every president since has continued it.
But as Vice-President, Harris is NOT in the chain of command and not in the military, so she is not supposed to salute. Former Vice-President Mike Pence did salute the honor guard, but he's the one who broke precedent and the rules.
Don't believe me? Ask a veteran or someone on active duty what the regulations are. And ignore Fox News.
This Should Make You Sleep Better At Night:
Phew! All clear! NASA says telescope observations have ruled out any chance of a huge asteroid hitting Earth in 2068. The asteroid is called Apophis, and NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies says their calculations indicate there are no risks of such a strike over the next 100 years. They were able to recalculate after the asteroid passed within 10.6 million miles of Earth earlier this month.
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(Courtesy NASA) |
NASA gives all clear: Earth safe from asteroid for 100 years (
I will alert my grandchildren so they can check on this prediction in 47 years.
Happy Passover!
This week is a happy one, I hope. Jews around the world are gathering with socially-distanced family and friends to celebrate. Passover is always considered a time of renewal. We remember the Exodus from slavery in Egypt 3300 years ago and hope for a better future. I will be hoping that next year, the pandemic will be gone and my extended family can all sit at the same table.
This week also marks the beginning of the baseball season and that ALWAYS makes me smile. It is particularly exciting this year because the pandemic
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Please pick a team (not the one in the Bronx, though) and celebrate America's past time . We surely missed it.
Dumbest Quote of The Week:
It comes from a Republican Louisiana Senator who unfortunately happens to have the same name as one of our best Presidents. Senator John Kennedy was talking during a Senate hearing on his opposition to gun control after the shootings in Boulder, Colorado this past week.
"We have a lot of drunk drivers in America that kill a lot of people. We ought to try to combat that too."
"The answer is not to get rid of all sober drivers. The answer is to concentrate on the problem."
The logic of his comments escapes me, and just about everyone else. And for the record, Senator you need a license to drive, you need to register the car and you must have insurance. How about the same for guns???
The Senator is now an honorary member of my dumbest members of Congress list.
(Your suggestions and comments are welcome)
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