Conflicted #173
By Hank Silverberg
I wanted to avoid this topic, but I can't. There has been a distinct rise in anti-Semitism across the United States in the last few weeks as war broke out once again between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip.
As a Jew, my connection to Israel is spiritual. It is not MY country. I am an American. But Israel is the only place in the world where Jews can practice their religion without the threat of discrimination just because they are Jews, and that makes it important to every Jewish person.
There are about 6.7 million Jews in the United States, only about 2.6% of the total population. Ironically, that's just about a hundred thousand less than the Jewish population of Israel. (About 2.4 million non-Jews do live in Israel.)
Israel is the only real democracy in the middle east and has been the USA's political and military ally ever since Israel's founding in 1948. (The United States was the first country to recognize the Jewish state.)
I bring all this up to express my disgust for those who automatically blame all Jews for what is happening in the region's violence this month. And I have the same disgust for those who blame all Muslims.
Middle East politics is extremely complicated. It was generated first by European Colonialism in the 19th Century, exacerbated by the two world wars and the Cold War of the 20th Century, and manipulated by Iran/Persia and their proxy jihadist movements in the 21st Century.
The victims are not governments. The victims are the average Palestinian just trying to survive the poverty of Gaza and the West Bank. This was created mostly by an iron grip of terrorist groups like Hamas, which are financed by Iran. The victims are also the average Israeli citizen who just wants to live in peace with their neighbors. They continue to suffer from a radical right government which expels a minority group of people from their homes for political gain during an election cycle.
The hawks on both sides have once again extended their claws and the world must deal with the aftermath.
Israel's settlement policy must end. Israeli voters can start by getting rid of Benjamin Netanyahu who has promoted "settlements" for political gain. The Jewish state must no longer evict Palestinians from places they have lived for decades, even in Jerusalem.
Palestinians who live on the West Bank and in Gaza must no longer blame Israel for the failings of their own leaders to accept Israel's existence as a nation. They must push back at neighboring authoritarian governments which have used them as pawns to bulk up their own corrupted political systems. The Palestinians must be helped out of poverty and into the rule of law and the global economy.
How do you do that? I am not sure. But there are people with ideas out there. Here's one:
We can start with the two-state scenario where the West Bank and Gaza are recognized as Palestine. The Mullahs in Iran and the authoritarian rulers of the neighboring Arab states should help them develop economically instead of supplying them with weapons. None of this is about religion. It has always been about political power.
American Jews must push this scenario. I believe they will get support from American Muslims. It is not a rejection of Israel, which as a Jewish state, must take the high road to peace to repair the world (תיקון עולם, tikun olam).
The United States must fight for what is right, a free independent and strong Israel alongside a prosperous peaceful Palestine ruled by the people who actually live there.
I expect there are those who will read what I have written and tell me I am foolish or uninformed, or even anti-Israel. But firing rockets, bombing and retaliating over and over again has not worked for 70 years.
This often used phrase comes to mind:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
We need to try something new.
They aren't really harmful to people even though there are billions, possibly trillions of them. Each is about four centimeters long with bright red eyes. Yes, they are annoying, but there is some good news. You can EAT them!
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Cicada taco courtesy of Cocina On Market) |
Update on Dumb Quotes:
On May 2nd, I attributed my dumbest quote of the week to CNN pundit and former Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum.
Apparently, I was not the only one to think that his quote was dumb and inappropriate.
He was speaking to a group called the "Young
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(Gone and hopefully forgotten) |
Here's what Santorum said:
"We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean there was nothing here. I mean yes, we have Native Americans, but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture."
I pointed out that American history did not start with Jamestown or Plymouth Rock. Archeologists have estimated the Pre-Columbian population of the western hemisphere at more than 54 million people. By 1492, about ten million lived north of the Rio Grande. Today, there are 6.7 million Native Americans (about the same as the Jewish population) living in the United States. Their culture is just as viable as any other peoples in America, despite concerted efforts by White Europeans in the 18th and 19th century to wipe their culture, and them, out.
Apparently lots of other people looked at Santorum's comments the same way I did. This week, Santorum lost his paid gig at CNN. The network announced it has "parted ways" with Santorum, meaning no more appearances and no more money from the network because of that comment. No problem there. Santorum often seemed totally off base on his political analysis anyway, but had his job to lend a conservative voice to balance out some of the liberals on CNN. But lots of people thought his comments about Native Americans were racist. Among them, The Native American Journalist Association.
Rick Santorum ousted by CNN for controversial Native American comments (
Santorum tweeted Saturday, "I appreciate the opportunity CNN provided me over the past 4 years. I am committed to continuing the fight for our conservative principles and values."
Values that apparently ignore the historical contributions of an entire race of people. He's one person I never want to hear from again, anywhere.
Dumbest Quote of This Week:
Another recidivist. Georgia's very dumb and offensive Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene. It speaks right into what I wrote about above and this time it was even so crazy some other Republicans called it "evil lunacy." Taylor- Greene had compared mask mandates and vaccinations to the restrictions on Jews in Europe during the Holocaust. That prompted this comment when she was challenged by reporters to clarify her remarks.
If Taylor- Greene had any concept of history, she would know that being required to wear a mask and get a vaccination against a deadly illness is nothing compared to the systematic murder of more than six million people.
Any rational Jewish person, like me, knows that Taylor-Greene is either the dumbest person ever in Congress, or a tool for right-wing extremists.
(Your comments and suggestions are welcome)
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