It Could Be The Biggest Election in a Century! #246
by Hank Silverberg
The mid-term elections are next week. Many people, like me, have already voted. But the majority of those who do vote will do so the more traditional way, in person, on election day.
Right now, the biggest question will be voter turnout. Democrats have a small registration advantage across the country, but Republicans traditionally vote more religiously (no pun intended). We also know that independent voters, those not affiliated with either major party, are the ones who actually decide most elections.
Who comes out to vote is more important than anything else.
It's hard for me to believe that there are people out there who have yet to make up their minds about who they want to vote for in what could be the biggest non-presidential election in U.S. history.
It's clear that much of the public is polarized either left or right, and unless the majority of us who are right in the middle don't vote, the wingnuts, right or left, will be the winners.
To me, this year more than any time before, the choice is clear. There are 291 Republican candidates for Congress out there who are running for office this time who are claiming the last election in 2020 was a fraud, and more than 180 of those candidates are predicted to win because they are in strong Republican districts. That does not even count those at the State House or city council level.
They are wrong, of course. But it's hard to ignore the big lie after it's been spread by many in the GOP over and over again for the last two years.
I have written about this before, and I will write it again. There is NO EVIDENCE of any voter fraud or rigged election two years ago. Allegation after allegation has been thrown out of court after recounts, rescans and hearings of many kinds.
There are a lot of issues out there that are stirring voters. Inflation, abortion, immigration, climate change, the war in Ukraine, and like every election--tax equity. But there should be one litmus test for anyone you vote for.
If they are an election denier, someone who thinks the last election was rigged or fraudulent, take them off your list. Don't vote for them no matter where they stand on any the other issue. Our democracy is in danger. It's your job to keep it by voting for people who live in the real world and not the fantasy land of the last president.
You can find out where your local candidate stands on election denial by using this guide from The Washington Post.
The guide does not look at candidates at the State House, city or county government level.
Impact for 2024
In five key battleground states, most GOP state legislative nominees are election deniers, according to NBC News By The States Project.
States make voting rules in their own jurisdiction so it will be state legislatures where battles will be fought over how to change the laws in their favor. They will have the power to oversee, administer or certify elections.
There are also several GOP gubernatorial candidates who are also election deniers...for example Arizona's Kari Lake.
(Note there are no Democratic equivalent to GOP election deniers.)
Get out and vote!
Drought Continues!
The weather has been rough in 2022. We have seen drought continue across the mid-west, then a very bad hurricane hit Florida not long after flooding in Kentucky and other parts of the south. Folks are finally starting to question whether this is all just a freak of nature or if climate change is having the impact that's been predicted for years.
The latest alarm comes from the Washington, D.C.
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(Courtesy of USGS) |
The low levels are being described as an "infrequent event," and this is not the first time this has happened. The river level dropped to this point in 2010, 2002 and 1999.
There are three nearby reservoirs in Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia that can release water into the river, if necessary, though WTOP Radio in Washington is reporting that it would take nine days before the water would have an impact on drinking supplies.
It's nowhere as severe as the drought out west where the U.S. Drought Monitor says 60% of the states are in an extreme or exceptional drought.
The drought in 11 western states is being described as two decades of the driest weather in 1,200 years, and scientists have specifically blamed climate change as the reason.
Dumbest Quote of The Week!
Former Vice President Mike Pence gained a lot
of respect after the January 6th insurrection because of his steadfast support for the peaceful transition of power after a fair election. Lots of people started calling him a hero, and there's more talk of him running for president. But the former VP's true colors may have come out this week. During an appearance on the Fox Business channel in discussing the First Amendment and the establishment clause, he said:"Well, the radical left believes that the freedom of religion is the freedom from religion. But it's nothing the American founders ever thought of, or generations of Americans fought to defend."
He's wrong, of course. Thomas Jefferson said forcing religion on someone would be "an infringement of natural right."
Both George Mason and James Madison, who had major contributions to the First Amendment, would also disagree with Pence. The main reason the amendment mentions religion is because our Founding Fathers wanted to avoid the wars, violence and oppression that religious meddling in government had created for centuries in Europe.
Mike Pence needs to read the U.S. Constitution and some case law on this issue from the last 200 years. Religious freedom is more than just keeping religious doctrine out of government. It's also a restriction on forcing your religion or any religion down someone else's throat. It is freedom to worship any way you want--yes, and the freedom not to worship at all if that's what you want. It has been a basic American right since 1789.
Mr. Pence would stand alone with the Dumbest Quote this week, but we are ruling his comments a tie with Virgnia Governor Glenn Youngkin.
Youngkin was at a campaign appearance for Trump-backed right-winger Yelsi Vega in Virginia's 7th District when word came of the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 82-year-old husband, Paul.
Here's his comment:
“Speaker Pelosi’s husband, they had a break-in last night in their house, he was assaulted. There’s no room for violence anywhere, but we’re going to send her back to be with him in California..." "That’s what we’re going to go do.”
Once again, Mr. Youngkin shows his true colors as an insensitive millionaire with poor political judgement.
(Your comments and suggestions are welcome)
My book "The Campaign" can be purchased at the links below. Or you can buy a copy by emailing me at: for instructions on how to get a copy at a reduced price and with my signature.)
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